Posts Tagged ‘niche’
Specialist Niches: Debbie of Intuitive Support Services Limited – Outsourced admin for Financial Advisors
As part of our Specialist Niches section, we’ve spoken to VAs who have unusual or specialist niches. I’m Debbie and my background was in financial services. I set up as a…
Read MoreSpecialist Niches: Bryony of BPVA – Rural Enterprise
As part of our Specialist Niches section, we’ve spoken to VAs who have unusual or specialist niches. My name is Bryony Parker and I am 49 years old. My business…
Read MoreMarketing Over Holiday Periods
Holidays can be such a topsy-turvy time, what happens with your business and marketing when businesses are winding down for breaks?
Read MoreUnusual Niches: Patty of Time Is Of The Es-Cents
As part of our series of specialist VAs and their unusual niches, I interviewed Patty Dost whose niche is particularly relevant to any VA who doesn’t like “selling” to clients…
Read MoreTo Niche or Not To Niche!
These days, everyone seems to be an expert. The dictionary definition is: Expert: a person who has special skill or knowledge in some particular field; specialist; authority. But it seems…
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