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Today’s PA Conference – Caroline confirmed as Speaker

Future of work

So remember a little while back I had to keep schtum about an exciting new project? This is it! Today’s PA Conference invited me to speak at their conference in London on 16 August. I’ll be presenting as a Speaker and on their Expert Panel alongside luminaries such as:

  • Rob Neil OBE
  • Darren Clark
  • Sara Harris MBE
  • Kim Glover
  • Andy Workman
  • Sarah Chambers
  • Nigel Hare
  • Catherine Moss-Crump
  • And of course Paul Pennant, who organises the conference each year.

So here’s a sneak preview of what I’m talking about:


The idea behind the session is to review how people work virtually, whether that is as a virtual assistant, an employee who works from home or an employee who works with a remote boss.

Technical challenges of working virtually

We’ll also be discussing some of the technical changes which may mean the role of admin staff will change significantly over the next 5-10 years. I predict it will be as huge as when we got rid of the typing pools. But there are opportunities within that period of change, and VAs/PAs are well placed to take advantage of them.

We’ll be talking robots, artificial intelligence, a speaker which is controlled by hand movements, virtual worlds… Basically the research on this has been a huge excuse for me to geek out reviewing all the latest tech!

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But apart from that we’ll be looking at the other side of successful virtual working: The human element.

Working in an office, you’ll naturally have conversations with your boss that builds your relationship – it’s how you know which hotel to book them into or whether they will want back to back meetings on a Friday or who to put straight through on the phone…

But as a virtual worker, how do you build that relationship?

We’ll be looking at best practice and how some of the largest businesses in the world haven’t been able to get this right… But the virtual assistants have! We share some of the key insights of our industry.

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