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Find an Approved VA

Society of Virtual Assistants have over 2,500 virtual assistant members in the UK.   We aim to raise the standards of those VAs and help connect them with clients.  These rules form the basis of best practice for virtual assistants.  SVA pioneered virtual assistant standards in 2007 by establishing what was the minimum that professional VAs should be providing to their clients.  These standards were updated again in 2017 as the industry has evolved.

VAs registering as approved VAs have agreed to:

  • Have professional email addresses and websites to ensure your security.
  • Back up data securely off site.
  • Answer phone calls or emails received within office hours next working day or to have an answerphone or autoresponder telling you of their return date.
  • Only take on tasks which they are fully capable of completing and carry suitable professional indemnity insurance.
  • Be registered Data Controllers with ico.org.uk

Notes for clients:

  • VAs are not temps – they work virtually so you must be prepared for them to work off-site remotely.
  • Your VA is self-employed so there is no employee red tape or taxes to deal with.
  • UK Virtual Assistants cost £25-£45/hour (some charge more or less – there is no regulation on pricing) but you will only pay for the hours which the VA is completing tasks on your behalf.
  • Virtual assistants do not work on a commission-only basis.
  • To sort the list and look for specific skills, click on the arrows on each column.
  • This list is not to be used for marketing purposes.  Anyone doing so will be reported to ICO and will receive a fine from us.  If you would like to contact our database of VAs, please email info@societyofvirtualassistants.co.uk
See also  Top tips for Outsourcing: Sort your systems

Click here for list (opens in new window)

Please note, we ask that VAs self-certify these criteria and can not be held responsible for any loss or damage which occurs due to this listing.  However, if you have a complaint about any of the VAs on the list, please contact us with details on info@societyofvirtualassistants.co.uk and we will investigate on your behalf.