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Marketing Friday for Virtual Assistants:


Welcome back to our marketing tips for Virtual Assistants. I hope January’s tips were of use to you, here are this week’s:

1. Volunteer to help a local community group with their admin.

2. Make sure your SEO is great (for free!) with WebCEO. www.webceo.com

3. Design and build your own website with WordPress or Blogger as a first step. You can add in customised domains to make it more professional, but this is a great way of getting online without spending lots of money.

4. Update your site regularly with updates so the web crawlers find fresh content which automatically refreshes you in their listings. We recommend at least once per week for a start-up.

5. Build a blog into your site. I was a bit sceptical about these, but generally they “talk” to your customers, let them find out a bit more about you, can act as newsletters, increase SEO by updating your site and driving traffic, and provide a quick and easy way to update your content. Remember don’t use a free blogging tool which is hosted externally – in order for the SEO benefits the blog needs to be hosted on your domain.

See also  Marketing Friday for Virtual Assistants:

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