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Gifts for the virtual assistant in your life

Gwyneth Paltrow’s lifestyle website Goop recently published its must-have Christmas gift list… Since we don’t have millions to spend, we thought we’d do a round-up of the gifts you can buy for the virtual assistant in your life…

Wristies typing gloves for Virtual AssistantsSome typing gloves – these are from Wristies, but those crafty people over on Etsy also sell some fantastic arm warmers too. I can’t be the only homeworker whose husband goes round turning down the central heating? I need warm fingers to type!!!

Passion Planner Diary

Passion Planner Diary for VAs

Planner: I’m using the Passion Planner this year, I’d prefer a little more space for each day, but I love all the goals and well dones that they build into it. http://www.passionplanner.com/

An Awesome mug: Because virtual assistants are powered by their favourite hot drink.

Get the Tshirt: Wear it with pride! I must get round to having some SVA shirts made up! Meanwhile try these Virtual Assistant Tshirts from Zazzle.

Color-logo-on-dark-backgroundA book: We selected some of the best How To guides for virtual assistants into our recommended reading list here.  If you can’t make up your mind, a trusty Amazon voucher is always appreciated.

Virtual Assistant Client Contract Pack Virtual Assistant outsourcing subcontractor pack Virtual Assistant marketing packVirtual Assistant Survey

Some SVA Stuff: Well obviously I have to do a plug here, but they are genuinely great gifts if you know someone starting their business who maybe needs a nudge in the right direction. https://societyofvirtualassistants.co.uk/va-products/

See also  IYOTSA 2014: The role of training in staying relevant

Some printing vouchers: Moo also do gift cards too so you could gift them some marketing materials.

Finally, there’s still time to do our Secret Santa:


Deadline: 15th December 2015

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