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Social Media Strategy revisited…

typewriterI was looking back through some old posts and stumbled across some instructing VAs how to use Facebook and Twitter… Just for a laugh I thought I’d see if the overall advice had changed in the past few years.

This Facebook How To Guide from 5 years ago outlines the change from “Fans” to “Likes”… But essentially Emma’s advice about building your following and connecting all your social media platforms is still very much valid!

This one on LinkedIn from 3 years ago still rings true as well… Although with more people switching off group notifications, they are slightly less used than they were.  I’d still recommend it as a first step for new VAs to reconnect with old work colleagues.

The time people spend on social media has really changed in the last few years…This post from 5 years ago questioned how much time VAs spent updating their profiles.  And I now think the generally acknowledged rule is that if you spend more than 20 minutes a day on it, you aren’t doing it right!  Also remember that back then Hootsuite and other scheduling and management apps were in their infancy, so each post had to be made live.  With automated tweets greeting new followers and Facebook editing people’s newsfeeds, your posts may or may not be seen by your target audience.  There are several strategies to combat this: Posting lots (but that does get annoying fast!!), enticing people into Groups to increase interaction, or simply making sure your posts are click-magnets which reassures the editing robots of Facebook.

See also  Newbie VA Session

We also have new platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, Periscope… To name but a few.

Have your posting habits changed?  Comment below… 

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