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In retrospect…

Founder of Society of Virtual AssistantsThis week my favourite band ever, Lush, announced they were reforming – this is me 20 years ago with their lead singer Miki…  I couldn’t believe it had been 20 years, it seems like 5 minutes.  And yet, I think of all the stuff I’ve done through those 20 years, and suddenly it starts to add up!

It struck me that this is very much like my attitude to what I’ve achieved in business… I always think of myself as a small business owner, doing a small thing, in a small way. 

But when you think about it, I’ve done lots of astounding things within that, which I don’t give myself credit for.  With my clients I’ve created books, a golfing product, launched multiple businesses, rescued their cashflow, saved a theatre, flown miles around the world.  I’ve connected 1,500 VAs into a live network of buzzing ideas all focused on moving the virtual assistant industry forward.  I’ve been a Top 10 UK Blogger.  I’m quoted worldwide as an authority in my industry.  I balance running the business with my home life, having 2 kids, a husband and a nutty Burmese cat.  And what’s more, I did it all in my jeans!!!

I’m asking you today to take 5 minutes to think about what you have achieved in your business that you are most proud of – post it below in the comments!

See also  Virtual Assistants, Telephones and VoIP - Call Answering (The Virtual VA Service)


  1. Heather Greig on 29 September, 2015 at 4:02 pm

    Oh that really got me thinking what had I actually done over the last 8 years?

    So here are just a few things. I have read and typed every word of a Masters in Theology and am now helping the same client (my very first client) complete a PHD in Theology. I have assisted an existing client with the implementation, start-up and day-to-day running of their second business – an on-line shop. I have attended countless HR and disciplinary meetings to take minutes and have also taken minutes at Senior Board level for a company with an extensive commercial property portfolio. I have helped local charities with the running of their events and have worked with several legal professionals and solicitors offices. I have watched companies lay-off staff, watched some merge with other organisations, and some disappear altogether.

    I think I am proudest of the day my husband recognised that I actually ran a professional business when I won the All-Ireland VA Award 2014 and then became a Runner-Up in the UK & Ireland VA finals 2014.

    I am currently waiting to hear if I have been short-listed for a local award – fingers crossed!

    • Caroline on 29 September, 2015 at 5:47 pm

      Fingers crossed indeed Heather! That’s some list of achievements!
      The small victories are also pretty cool too: Landing that client you are excited to work with or making it thru Years 1, 2, 3 etc.

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