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Lego business…


My attempt at a desk… practical? Yes. Creative? No!

I watched my 3 year old playing Lego today and realised it’s really very similar to running a business – first you need an idea, you need the building blocks as basics, and you need to execute the plan.

My husband has huge creativity – they attempt to build airplanes and bridges and stations with escalators and subways interconnecting.  I’m more your common builder with a practical view, building stuff which is likely to withstand a toddler playing with it.

I wish I had more of the imaginative stuff in my business though… sure, I can write some great copy or execute a decent marketing campaign – but the vision to start these things is often something which falls off the bottom of my To Do list underneath the 12 million other things which demand my attention.

But my point is, you need both the practical and the imaginative to build a business.  And that my friends is the challenge…

See also  A big thank you: Sally Blewett

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