The UK Virtual Assistant Survey – what do you want in the summary?
We’re very nearly there – if you haven’t already, please fill in the UK VA Survey NOW! Done that? Great, so now you can have a say about what happens next. Each year, we supply all respondents with a free summary report of the results.
We usually include:
- The full list of questions
- Age
- Sex
- Location
- Full-time/part-time
- Average turnover
- Average hourly rate
- Business format
- What you love about being a VA
- What you don’t like about being a VA
- Our Industry Heroes
- Plus one special question response which surprised us – last year this busted the myth of most VAs being SAHMs – in fact there are less than 3% of VAs who juggle childcare with work.
This year we thought we’d give you a say about what we include in the free summary so in addition to these questions, we’re going to include one more category that you want to know more about – so tell us what it is: