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SVA Newsletter: November 2012


We’re on the last push for the UK Virtual Assistant Survey – if you haven’t filled it in, please do it now!

We’ve had a few queries via email this month on paid directories and how to know if you’re picking a good one.  We’ve done a quick article on paid directories and a couple of top tips!


UK VA Survey – why it’s important!

Many moons ago when I started my business, there wasn’t much information about the industry – the only info you could get was by phoning up individual VAs and hoping they would share their rates with you!  I spent the next 2 or 3 years fielding similar enquiries from newbie VAs… And who could blame them?  They needed this info for their business plan, they only knew one way of getting it.  Now I just direct them to the survey and they can download it for a nominal fee.

For myself as an established VA, I like to be able to benchmark my business against the average – am I charging enough? What services could I offer to get more clients? Is there an industry trend I should be picking up on? I get to “nose around” inside the typical VA business without having to trespass on anyone’s actual business.

See also  SVA Newsletter: July 2012

We’re very nearly at the magic number which will make the research statistically valid – we must get 10% of the total industry and a fair number of the people on our list will be newbie VAs or non-active VAs who aren’t eligible to take part – don’t assume someone else will do it, we need EVERYONE to take part!

Take Part – click here>>>

Find A VA reminder:

Could everyone who is part of the SVA Approved scheme please double check they are on the list:
If you don’t appear there, please re-apply for membership via this form.  Please don’t apply unless you are able to fulfil all the criteria BEFORE applying.  We’ve had a couple of people notice that they’ve dropped off the list – we’d hate for you to miss out!

Virtual Assistant article in FT

Well done Martha Christie – a great article that appeared in the FT last month.  It’s a good one for those prospects who are concerned about it not being a proper working arrangement.  This article proves that all sorts of reputable companies are now utilising VAs:



If you have an event you’d like listed on https://societyofvirtualassistants.co.uk/events/ just let me know! It’s free and we’re happy to list anything which will help VAs in their businesses.

See also  What made you become a virtual assistant?

This month:  VA Success Group are running a free call on marketing and the North London VAs are organising their Xmas party plus there’s the usual #AdminChat Tweet ups on Thursday evenings – pop over to https://societyofvirtualassistants.co.uk/events/ for more details!

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