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Book Review: Get Clients Now

Get Clients Now

Get Clients Now
This book was recommended to me when I first started and forms the cornerstone of my marketing system for Virtually Sorted. So many people ask me for a copy of my marketing plan or to know how I built my marketing system – it’s no big secret, it’s right here in this book!!

The book is built around a 28 day system of marketing for service-based businesses, rather than people selling products. The fantastic thing is it builds marketing into the very heart of your activities so it becomes a (good!) habit and second nature to you.  There is a task to do every day, and you plan out what you are going to do and mark off your progress day-by-day.  It’s a very clever system.

A must have for newbie assistants and established VAs alike, this is one for people at all levels in business.


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  1. David Butler on 18 January, 2013 at 12:00 pm


    You state this book forms the corner stone of your marketing system for virtually sorted.

    Realising the review is 2 years old and there maybe developments in online marketing that may not be included in this book, do you still find the book relevant?

    Would you recommend this book as a help to marketing, or the SVA 101 marketing tips?

    David Butler

    • Caroline on 18 January, 2013 at 12:05 pm

      The good thing about this book is that it’s a very solid startiong point for all marketing – I believe CJ Hayden has done a recent updated publication of the book too – worth having a look for!

      The 101 Ways To Market Your VA Business is a VA specific document, but it’s just a list of ideas. Get Clients Now is more of a system – it builds great marketing habits within your business.

  2. Jackie Gordon on 1 October, 2019 at 1:38 pm

    I think this book will be very famous is there anyone know how can I buy this book? Thanks for your help

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