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Virtual Assistant Terms & Conditions

Annabel Kaye - freelance law specialistHow to create profitable ethical business relationships using clear terms of trade

WEBINAR: Weds 30 Nov @ 8pm

It is easy to think of terms of trade as a ‘compliance’ issue.  Something you spent as little time on as you can (and as little money) and then get on with your work.

Do you know that having a great set of terms can help you:

  • Reduce the time you write off as not chargeable to clients
  • Increase your profitability by establishing premium rates
  • Integrate your way of working into your sales process
  • Improve the client’s onboarding experience

It’s not just about compliance – it’s about establishing a business model that is clear to you and your clients.

Join Annabel Kaye, of KoffeeKlatch (specialists in freelance contracts and terms) and learn  how to integrate your Virtual Assistant Terms and Conditions into a healthy and profitable client relationship.

Prompted by SVA’s new Approved VA Standards, which will be coming into effect 1st January 2017, Annabel will talk you through what your Terms and Conditions should cover and where the pitfalls can creep in.

You can register your questions when you sign up for the webinar, or ask them live in the chatroom.    This webinar is designed to help you understand how the legal and the customer experience can be brought together in your business to reduce problems with clients and non-payment and increase how your clients value you.

See also  5 ways to say "No" nicely as a virtual assistant

We will be looking at:

  • What is a contract with your client?
  • How to set expectations that work
  • Small print v large heart
  • Defining the work
  • Defining the rate
  • Your legal responsibilities
  • Creating REAL relationships based on clarity
  • Using terms to improve customer service
  • How terms can help you end relationships with grace

SVA took the decision to include having T&Cs available on your website as a standard since it raises the professionalism of the industry and protects VAs who might not otherwise outline how they work and what they are prepared to do.  These don’t have to be professionally drafted, but we would highly recommend it.   After 1st January 2017, any VA NOT having T&Cs on their website will be removed from the Approved VA database.

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