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Social Networking Friday For Virtual Assistants


I hope last week’s social media tips came in useful for you, here are this week’s tips for marketing your Virtual Assistant business through social media:

1. Forums are a great way of connecting with potential clients – use your forum signature to tell people about what you do. Make sure your picture is on your avatar so people can see who they are talking to and create a personal relationship with you.

2. Like answering the phone, responding to online posts is essential to getting business from social media. Make sure you either check each site regularly or set them up to alert you when a post is made to your account. Social networking sites can become addictive though – make sure you watch how much time you are spending on them and monitor the results you get.

3. Blogging and micro blogging is only truly effective if you are posting interesting, amusing or useful posts, so people remain interested in what you are saying. Get used to pre-posting topics and scheduling posts so that there is always fresh content on your site.

4. Would you put it on the front page of the newspaper? If not, don’t post it! The internet is the world’s local newspaper – bear this in mind when you post to social media networking sites. Read twice, post once.

See also  Join Caroline at Office Management & PA, London 15-16 May 2014

Thank you for reading this series. Hopefully you’ve found the tips useful and have grown your business since we began. Please feel free to leave a comment about those that have helped you the most or your own tips we may have missed.


1 Comment

  1. Hire Virtual assistants on 31 May, 2018 at 8:04 am

    All your tips are useful and have proved to be helpful in growing the business. The tips regarding marketing the virtual assistant business through social media will surely help people in growing their business. Thanks for sharing this informative post.

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