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Social Networking Friday For Virtual Assistants


I hope you got some really useful tips from the previous Marketing Friday tips. This week and next we are giving you 4 social media hints and tips to help you market your Virtual Assistant business:

1. Join LinkedIn groups relevant to your target market and participate in discussions. Get yourself known as an expert in your field and it also gives you a heads up on the issues they’re facing. Connect with all your previous work colleagues; tell them what you are doing.

2. Similarly with Twitter, use it to find out who’s talking about specific issues and then tweet your own knowledgeable articles/snippets as appropriate and relevant. It’s about joining the conversation, not blatant sales! Keep your tweet ratio to 65% business: 30% personal: 5% sales. Don’t forget to follow SVA for the latest VA news, tips and tweets.

3. Use something like Hootsuite to post your articles, links and news to as many social media networks as possible.

4. Facebook pages for businesses need a minimum number of “likes” before getting a “vanity URL” (e.g. www.facebook.com/SVA rather than www.facebook.com/12345678899urlblurb). Ask your friends to all like the page so you can establish the business online.

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