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Santa arrives early for UK Virtual Assistants!

As virtual assistants, we don’t get Christmas parties.  Or secret santas.  Or even holidays sometimes!!!!

Anyway – last year myself and my team of administrative elves made lots of wishes come true – and this year will be spreading magical sparkle once again throughout November and December… with your help of course.  The idea behind this is to give in order to get – we’ll be matching what you are able to give with someone else’s Christmas wish.

Our learnings from last year is that we need to get this sorted BEFORE December, hence why asking you quite so early!  Deadline for your Christmas Letter to Santa is 15th December and your deadline for delivering these is December 25!!! 

A few ground rules:

  • You must be UK based and an SVA member in order to take part.
  • Try to give something which would be useful to another VA – perhaps you have a netbook you no longer use, or maybe you’d be happy to donate a business book, or perhaps you would like to send a VA a lovely box of chocolates (that’s on my list!!!).  Whatever you give, you have to be able to post it by the end of December, and I reserve the right to ban you from next year’s Secret Santa if you don’t!
  • Your wish list: List as many items as you’d like, the more the merrier – it gives us more chances to match you up with something someone is donating… We’ll only be granting one wish each though.
See also  You too could have a 6-figure income… Or could you?

That’s it – make some wishes come true!

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