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Society of Virtual Assistants – October 2014 newsletter

Hi there,Virtual PA-233

Still looking for some more responses for our annual Virtual Assistant Survey – really important to get a statistically valid sample of the industry, so if you haven’t filled it in, please do so now!!!

NB: Please use Firefox/IE as your browser and make sure your internet cache is cleared if you are experiencing problems with it. TAKE PART HERE

Still not working? If you are still having problems, we do have a paper survey downloadable here which you can scan and return to papersurvey@societyofvirtualassistants.co.uk

Small personal announcement: Baby number 2 due April, so I’ve been a bit under the weather of late – apologies if we haven’t got back to you, please do hassle me if you haven’t heard back on something!  The plan is to take some time off in the spring but SVA will continue as normal with our fabulous team of volunteers.


What have we been up to this month?

IYOTSA: PA Power – How do we show the greater business world the power that can be harnessed by using a VA?

Halloween Horror Stories: When you think of a VA Nightmare, what springs to mind?  This month I grapple with the biggest VA fears! (It’s not so scary, I promise!)

See also  SVA Newsletter: January 2013

From the archives:

Cost comparison – temp vs a virtual assistant http://tinyurl.com/nz5yzhw

Is being a multi-VA for me? http://tinyurl.com/q8m3rl7

Who SHOULDN’T hire a VA – http://tinyurl.com/llq7xcr – the clients who won’t benefit from using a VA

The impossible deadline client – and how to deal with them! http://tinyurl.com/makr7bh

Are you a newbie to blogging? If YES, you NEED BLOGSPIRATION! http://tinyurl.com/blogspiration


If you have an event you would like listed, please let me know on info@societyofvirtualassistants.co.uk! It’s free and we’re happy to list anything which will help VAs in their businesses.

Coming up: West of London VA meet, new Cheshire and Merseyside meet up, The VA Conference (Windsor) and the Northern VA Collaboration (Newcastle).


  1. Carole Meyrick on 24 October, 2014 at 3:32 pm

    HUGE CONGRATULATIONS, Caroline. A little brother or sister for Cassius.

    • Caroline on 24 October, 2014 at 3:43 pm

      He’s v excited about being a big brother – long may it continue!

  2. Debra Roberts on 27 October, 2014 at 5:21 am

    Congratulations Caroline and family! How exciting! Wishing you a healthy, stress free pregnancy x

  3. Wendrie Heywood on 29 October, 2014 at 5:25 pm

    Congratulations! Glad you are going to take some time off to enjoy that baby.

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