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Gadgets Galore – Virtual Assistant shortcut: USB Tape Recorder

An exciting package arrived on my desk this morning – a USB tape machine. Basically this allows you to transfer audio cassettes into a digital format on your computer.  A lifesaver for multi-VAs who have clients who still insist on sending in cassettes.  All you need to do is convert it to an MP3 and ping it out to your associates to type – thus making sure the audio remains secure and you can even send a copy back to the client too.

My first client to use this is transferring stories which his grandmother wrote and recorded for him as a child to MP3 to play to his own child – what a lovely idea!

Got a gadget you love?  Tell us about it info@societyofvirtualassistants.co.uk

See also  21st Working in the 21st Century - for PAs and VAs alike


  1. Janet Walker on 6 August, 2013 at 12:37 pm

    Thanks for this, Caroline. Does it take full-size cassettes or just the little audio ones? One of my clients works with a charity that would like to digitise part or all of their archive tapes of talks, sermons etc. Just wondering if this gadget would help…?

  2. Erika @ VACreatively.com on 27 April, 2014 at 4:49 am

    I need one of these that converts mini-cassettes. So far, what I’m finding only does the regular cassette tapes 🙁 But thanks for mentioning this technology; I didn’t know it existed!

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