Virtual Assistant Blogging Ideas for April:
Each month we’ll be posting a few ideas about what you can blog about – please feel free to add your own ideas below in the comments (or include a sneaky Googlicious link to your own blog!)
Virtual Assistant blog ideas for April
- End of Year: April is traditionally end of year for lots of companies, so talk about getting their tax sorted ASAP if you offer bookkeeping – maybe include some statistics on late returns? It’s also the time of year when budgets are decided for many public sector organisations, flag this up to them and post about your research skills, surveying, or how public sector organisations can outsource.
- The weather: The British LOVE to talk about the weather, it’s a cliche! But we’ve been buffetted by some much wind and rain this year, it will have affected all sorts of business services – deliveries, roof leaks, a boom in home maintenance…
- Bank holidays: We’ve got a few coming up in May, make sure all your clients know and are aware of your turnaround times.
I often find inspiration for my blogs from my diary, every week there’s some date or other in there that has extra info. ie St George’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Battle of the Boyne etc. I always try to find out more about these events and work it in to my marketing. Whole months are often dedicated to one cause or other. Make this a feature for your Facebook page for a month. For example, January is not just the first month of the year but also International Brainteaser month, so why not set little teasers on your page every day until February, when it then becomes International Expect Success Month.
Great tip Nicola!
I thought this one was quite fun too – very apt: