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SVA Newsletter: January 2013


My goodness, where has 2012 gone?  Admittedly I spent a fair chunk of it on maternity leave, but it still seems to have flown past!  It is however the time of year to get yourself organised for 2013 – haul out your SVA Inspiration Sheet and get planning!

Congrats to Sue Grant and Yvette Ankrah who won our freebie Kashflow licences – it always pays to keep a close eye on the SVA website as we’ll occasionally have some nice little giveaways to send out (to receive alerts on all new posts, click here).


UK VA Survey – gentle reminder…

I know, I know, I’m still banging on about it… But we’re nearly there.  I need 2 more people to make it a statistically valid survey of the UK VA industry, so if you haven’t filled it in, grab a coffee and get going!!!

Results (as soon as we have the required numbers) will be compiled and shared with you ASAP – if you filled in the survey you’ll know we asked some interesting questions this year, which I can’t wait to share with you!  I’m aiming for January…  But I need more people to fill it in – twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn help to get people taking part is most appreciated, they don’t need to be SVA members, just working UK VAs.

See also  Zirtual - what went wrong?

Take Part – click here>>>

Get Clients Now!

We ran these courses a while ago to astounding success…  Get Clients Now is the one book I regularly recommend to ALL VAs – newbies and established ones alike.  I have a well thumbed copy within stretching distance of my desk at all times and it’s the cornerstone of my marketing plan.

The courses are led by Get Clients Now facilitator Jason Economides to really make you accountable for your actions, by following up on your action plan.  Being in an environment specifically for VAs means that they can also share their stories and experiences, we had some really effective collaborations from last time.  All the sessions are online webinars, so you don’t even have to leave your desk!

Plus we have a very special discount for SVA members – £195 for the whole 7 week course!  If interested please email: info@societyofvirtualassistants.co.uk with GET CLIENTS NOW in the subject line and we’ll arrange the special discount.

Technology/Social Media Platform Survey

Sharon Williams over at the Alliance for Virtual Business is doing a worldwide survey on technology and social media platforms.

Wouldn’t you like to have at your fingertips access to a report compiled by VAs for VAs outlining resources they use to accomplish tasks in their businesses on a daily basis.

See also  Hiring a Virtual Assistant

A4VB has developed a 30 question survey identifying technologies and social media resources VAs use in their businesses and on behalf of clients.

Please take 20 minutes and let us know the tools and technologies you use on a day-to-day basis by completing the survey.  If your provide your name and email address, we will send participants a Summary Report of the results. Here’s the link:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/G786VMH


If you have an event you’d like listed on the EVENTS PAGE just let me know! It’s free and we’re happy to list anything which will help VAs in their businesses.

This month: VA Success Group are running a free call on start up mistakes to avoid, we’re gathering UK VAs for a forum in February, plus there’s the usual #AdminChat Tweet ups on Thursday evenings – pop over to EVENTS  for more details!

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