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Tops Tips for Choosing the Right VA

So your books are full, you’re working well into the wee small hours and you’ve got a queue of clients waiting for you to be able to squeeze them into your busy schedule… What to do?  Well perhaps it’s time to hire your own virtual assistant! 

  • The best way to start working with a virtual assistant is to spend a little bit of time thinking about how you work, and how you would like to work.
  • Keep a note of tasks you regularly do which could be outsourced. Make notes on specific procedures and practices which will help your VA fit seamlessly into your business. Your VA will be able to advise on technology and what they are able to achieve.
  • We encourage all virtual assistants and clients to agree in writing precisely what work is to be carried out, the timescales involved and the cost. Please bear in mind that if you change the agreement specifications that the timescale and cost could be affected.  Make sure you use a proper subcontract agreement to protect both yourself and the VA (Our SVA one can be purchased here)
  • Remember, the virtual assistant is not an employee but an individual with considerable experience who is operating as your partner. They don’t need to be micro-managed. If they have a problem or query they will contact you.
  • Make sure you are clear from the outset about what you want the virtual assistant to do.
  • Wherever possible use an SVA virtual assistant.   As we are not funded through subscriptions our VAs are regulated closely and we will remove any VA who has more than two complaints brought against them. If you have a complaint against a VA, we want to know, please email us.
See also  Top tips for Outsourcing: Job Description

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