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Message from Caroline

For some time now, I’ve been juggling running SVA alongside a full time job as a business advisor, and it is a big struggle. For those of you who have been in SVA a while, you will know that I ended up being homeless for 5 months with my children – it has been a struggle but I finally got back into my home, and I’m in the process of buying it out. (Anyone who has ever tried to get a self-employed mortgage will sympathise here!).

I’ve made the hard decision that as I am no longer working as a VA, it makes sense to hand it over to someone who has their finger on the pulse and is working day-in, day-out with clients and other VAs.

I’m happy to say Gwen Backhouse of Curlew Secretarial Solutions and the Borderlands VA Network has offered to take over.

I’m really happy about the fit, I’ve known Gwen for many years and know she shares the same ideals I have about promoting the industry as a whole and bringing people together. The work she does with Borderlands reflects that and Borderlands have provided social media help to SVA for a number of years in the background.

As you will appreciate, while we ironed out handing over there has been a bit of a communication gap, but I hope you’ll reach out to Gwen directly now she is in place, with any collaborations, queries, etc.

I couldn’t have wished for a safer pair of hands, I’m confident SVA will go from strength to strength under her guidance. Mostly though, SVA is about the members and what you all contribute – VAs helping one another, in the spirit of #CollaborationNotCompetition.

I will still be around, and you may see me pop up from time to time doing some SVA sessions, which I hope to have more time for once I’m not spending as much time on the everyday administration, but this is very much Gwen’s baby from here on it, and I hope you’ll join me in giving her the support you’ve always given me over the years….

So: 17 years, 15,000+ VAs, a quality standard for VAs, approved VA trainers, and thousands of referrals passed via our free listings. Most of all though, I had a lot of fun along the way.

With best wishes,

See also  October 2015 Society of Virtual Assistants Newsletter

Caroline Wylie

1 Comment

  1. Angela on 18 April, 2023 at 8:20 am

    Best wishes to you and your family Caroline. Thank you for everything.

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