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IYOTSA 2014: Mentoring and coaching as a form of keeping standards of profession

As part of the International Year of the Secretary/Assistant 2014, participating organisations are developing themes for their members in order to raise awareness of Secretaries and Assistants throughout the world… This month is:

Mentoring and coaching as a form of keeping standards of the profession

Seek opportunities to show you care. The smallest gestures often make the biggest difference.
― John Wooden

I am the biggest fan ever of people at the top helping newbies step up.  I have the most fabulous team of people who help me run my business and over the years a lot of them have left me because their own workload has expanded so much… Whilst that’s a loss to me, I’m always really happy to see them succeed.

There are lots of courses and mentoring out there for VAs, but this month I wanted everyone to take 15 minutes of their time to help another VA:

  • Answer a question on the forum
  • Share the software or equipment you use to power your business
  • Send an aspiring VA a link to the www.societyofvirtualassistants.co.uk site!

A small thing which might change the course of history!

See also  Expand Your Virtual Assistant Team

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