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Society Of Virtual Assistants Newsletter: March 2014

Hi there,Virtual PA-233

Can you believe it’s been nearly 10 years since I started my VA business?  And the pictures are almost as old… So here –> is my new pic: more wrinkles, less worry!

Some exciting stuff going on with SVA this month – we got shortlisted for the UK Blog Awards Digital/Tech category and are down to the final 10 blogs.  It’s a real honour to be shortlisted.  Keep your fingers crossed for 25th April!

Congratulations to our latest book competition winner: MEGAN BOWYER.  Megan – a copy of Instant Cashflow is winging its way to you!  Our next competition is for NotOnTheHighStreet’s founders book “Build A Business From Your Kitchen Table”.

I’m hoping to see some of you at the Northern VA Collaboration meet in May – early bird tickets end soon – book yours now!

I’m also at Office Management and PA Expo in Excel, London on 15/16 May – would be great to see some of you there too!



VA-2013-72dpiIt’s now on sale – the UK VA Survey 2013 threw up some interesting results on VA training (we tell you whose training adds value to your business!) and also social media (just how long do the experts spend each week?).

See also  Society of Virtual Assistants News: December 2013

At £25 can you afford not to sneak a peak at what everyone else knows? BUY HERE

Call Team – looking for Call Handlers

Lyndsey and her Call Team are recruiting new call handlers.  If you thought about offering this telephone call answering service but were put off by the hours you’d need to cover, this might be a great way of earning some money by sitting at your desk!


OMPA120x120Office Management & PA Exhibition,

ExCel, London  15-16 May 2014

Office Management & PA exhibition and conference takes place at ExCeL London on 15-16 May 2014.  The idea is to give PAs and office managers access to some fantastic speakers along with some of the most innovative products and services available in the secretarial market.  I’m presenting on Thursday, and will be around to catch up with SVA members throughout the whole exhibition – watch this space for more details…

The exhibition not only provides delegates with practical training and tips, but also offers inspiration and fresh solutions to everyday purchasing decisions from the UK’s foremost suppliers of products and services. Visitors benefit from hundreds of brilliant ideas that will reflect directly on the perception of the business. More than 2,000 office professionals attended the debut show last year and this event promises to be even bigger and better. Register for your FREE ticket today at http://www.officemanagerandpa.co.uk or phone 0117 9296082.

See also  SVA Newsletter: January 2011

UK Virtual Assistant Awards

We’re rapidly approaching the deadline for the UK VA Awards…  Don’t stop reading there!!!  I know you’re thinking “Ah – that’s not for my little VA business” but the awards are under new management and there will be regional, national and service-specific awards…  I’m also on the Awards Panel this year so I’m hoping to see some SVA Members applying!

As a former judge, I can honestly say we have had winners who were completely shocked but who have run outstanding businesses and just think “It’s nothing special”.  It is special – and we need you to start shouting about all your brilliant businesses in order to help the industry gain the recognition it deserves.

We’ll be sending you out the entry form – keep an eye on your inbox!


What have we been up to this month?

Win a book – This month it’s “Build A Business From Your Kitchen Table”

International Year of the Secretary/Assistant Our series continues… This month we’re looking at Job Descriptions (and why they are still important to VAs!).

How VAs Use VOIP – Callagenix helps you sort out your phone systems.

The Northern VA Collaboration Event – Join us in Newcastle.

See also  Virtual Assistant Subscription Box


If you have an event you’d like listed on The Virtual Assistant Diary – just let me know on email info@societyofvirtualassistants.co.uk! It’s free and we’re happy to list anything which will help VAs in their businesses.

Coming up:

27 March: Free teleseminar Start Your VA Business with the VA Success Group

28-30 March: Executive Secretary Live,The Grange St Pauls, London

25 April: Final of UK Blog Awards – fingers crossed!

15-16 May: Office Management and PA Exhibition, ExCeL London

31 May: Northern VA Collaboration Event, Sunderland

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