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Marketing Friday

Here are five ideas which you can work on today – Marketing Friday – to get more business next week!

  • Enter a competition – there are lots of new business, entrepreneurial prizes or local business prizes.  Not only are the prizes great, but you get to network with other business, and create excellent PR.
  • Have professional photography done.  Good for creating a personal “real” feel to your website and also for supplying along with press releases as a visual aid.  Plus you can use these as an avatar on all your networking forums and blogs.  Remember to get hi-res and lo-res versions.
  • Start a networking group.  A bit extreme, but if you’re finding it hard to find a suitable business networking venue then there are probably a few other people in the same situation.
  • Offer a prize.  Offer your services as a prize in a competition in return for the contact details of everyone entering. Team up with a newspaper, magazine or organisation.
  • Get testimonials.  If you’ve done a great job ask your clients if they would mind being included in your marketing materials as a testimonial – get them to give you a quote about why they use your service, how it’s made a difference to them and what it meant to their business along with their name, business, and possibly contact details if they are willing to be a referee for you and your business.
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