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Top 5 Tips for Managing the Summer Slump

Top Summer Tip 1.

Remember it’s natural for virtual assistants to be quieter in the summer as people are away on holiday.  In fact, you may want to take advantage yourself and take some well-deserved time off.

Top Summer Tip 2.

Use the time to organise yourself for when it is busy – summer is a great time for researching new tools, writing articles/newsletters, and review your business processes.

Top Summer Tip 3.
If you are going away, make sure you have adequate client cover or tell your clients at least 2 weeks in advance.  Remember to set up out of office email responders and update your answerphone message with when you will be back.

Top Summer Tip 4.
Take advantage of your virtualness – I have VAs who work from France and Spain during the summer and I personally work between London and Glasgow all year round.  There is no reason why you have to be in a certain location as long as you are organised.  My personal top tip here is to remember to take your chequebook with you!

Top Summer Tip 5.

So you’ve accepted summer will be quieter, had a break yourself, organised your marketing for the next 6 months and embraced the virtual working concept – what now?  Well there are always opportunities to court new clients who need support over the summer – in particular phone cover, responding to new biz enquiries and email filtering.  Good luck!

See also  What dropped off the bottom of your To Do List?


  1. Helen Pegler on 7 August, 2012 at 1:20 pm

    We Use this holiday time as a prime business opportunity, by covering our clients holidays and managing there client bank, being on hand for calls etc from their clients is a huge bonus to our business.

  2. Heather Greig on 8 August, 2012 at 7:34 am

    I have used the time to start researching and writing my Blog and I have realised that when things do pick up again I still need to schedule in some time for this or else it will get pushed to the bottom of the pile!

    I have also set up a few ‘coffees’ with local people I have had contact with through LinkedIn.

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