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Still looking for virtual assistant tweet writers!

We’re still looking for volunteers to help write tweets for Global VA Week – what I’m asking this afternoon is for you to spend just 15 minutes over the next week to sit down and write us just 20 tweets (of 120 characters or less) and send them to me here.

Help SVA: Write 20 x tweets of 120 characters or less and email to info@societyofvirtualassistants.co.uk

They can be about anything to do with being a VA – what a VA does; tasks a VA can help clients with; directing VAs to resources like www.societyofvirtualassistants.co.uk, www.vact.co.uk or www.oivac.com; quotes or sayings associated with time management – there’s lots to talk about!!   We’re already at 230 tweets which shall be made available to SVA members to bulk upload to their own accounts and talk about the events, my aim is to hit 500 by next week!!!    Help me do it – and thanks in advance!   Caroline

See also  Marketing Friday: More tips and tricks for Virtual Assistants

1 Comment

  1. FrankyB on 18 September, 2012 at 9:15 pm

    Lets do the math here: “what I’m asking this afternoon is for you to spend just 15 minutes over the next week to sit down and write us just 20 tweets”

    That would equal to 45 seconds to think about and then type out each tweet. Sorry, but how about giving a person an actual whole minute to “think” about what to write first…and yes…maybe even a few seconds after that to type it up. I hate when people dis-value others time.

    “VR’s are good. You should hire a VR if you need help.”…there…that is the quality of your not thought out 45 second tweet.

    If you don’t mind variations of that, your 15 minutes are fine for 20 tweets. If you want actual quality, well, you do the math.

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