Newsletter August 2010
Thank you for all your kind comments on the new website – I’m really excited about having such a fantastic resource at our fingertips! All of the posts invite comments (top SEO tip: backlinks from SVA are very highly prized by Google!!). So get talking!
This month we’ve had some great posts including: book reviews, marketing advice, and start up VAs sections.
We’ve been asked by OIVAC to ask our members for their views to shape the next conference – make your views count here:
Unusual Niches
Our feature continues this month with posts from Linda Price of Tailor Made Funerals and Scott Valdez of Virtual Dating Assistants, who explain their particular niches and why it gives them the edge.
Book Review: Get Clients Now
Last year we held a number of taster sessions for Get Clients Now where VAs came together to write down their goals and marketing plans for the next 30 days.
Let me know if you are interested in forming a new group to spur each other into action? The results last year were phenomenal! Email
Buy: Get Clients Now
Worldwide VA Survey
Tawnya Sutherland over at VANetworking is looking for response to the worldwide VA survey and is offering a whole bunch of goodies in return for your response.
Click here to take part:
Hot Posts:
The forum is still very much active – please visit and say hello! Hot posts this month include: